Educational Projects


CPEI Hamelin is a non-denominational centre, not guided by specific ideologies, culture or religion. One of the main values that Hamelin follows is the importance of the family in the education of its children. For this reason, Hamelin offers spaces for active participation, where the mothers and fathers of our children exchange experiences, build knowledge and learn and inform themselves about the work of being parents. All of this accompanied by their children, and advised by the centre's staff.

Hamelin works from the Multiple Intelligences approach, with the fundamental value of respecting the pace of development of each child. We understand each child as a person, individual and independent, promoting their abilities, following their preferences and respecting their likes and dislikes. It is due to the use of this approach as a basis for active learning, that our centre has specific laboratory corners for the development of the 8 intelligences pursued by this theory, which is put into practice in the day to day life of the nursery school.

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Methodology and Objective

The philosophy of this children's centre is based on education through play and emotions.

The work we carry out is based on the Multiple Intelligences approach, an approach that understands the child as a being capable of excelling in whatever he or she chooses, and from here, to enhance his or her abilities.

The theory of Multiple Intelligences is a model for the conception of the human mind described by Howard Gardner in 1983, which replaces the unitary concept of intelligence that was held until then (Intelligence=G-Factor), and which understood intelligence as an "all or nothing" concept.

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Yoga practice at our children's centre

At our school, we incorporate yoga as a key tool for the integral development of children. Our yoga sessions with children focus on mindful and active meditation, using activities such as colouring, dancing and moulding play dough.

We adapt both the teachings and the difficulty of the yoga practices and postures to each age range and stage of growth, allowing children to connect optimally with their bodies. We encourage concentration and emotional learning through this practice, making it an essential part of their daily routine.

At our school with a focus on positive discipline, we recognise the importance of cultivating emotional wellbeing from an early age. Find out how yoga is integrated into our educational programme, giving children the tools to connect with their emotions and learn in a fun way.

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